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April 24, 2023

When you’re pregnant, your body goes through a range of endocrinological and physiological changes that affect the alignment of your spine and pelvis. Loosened ligaments, a lower center of gravity, and extra baby weight can all cause added stress on your body. Besides being painful and uncomfortable, these common challenges can complicate your baby’s birth. But with chiropractic care before, during, and after your pregnancy, you can increase your chances of a better delivery and a less painful life once pregnancy is over.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe During Pregnancy?

This is the million-dollar question that most pregnant people ask us about chiropractic care. We get it – you wouldn’t do anything to harm your new baby. But you also want to ensure you’re taking all the necessary steps for a healthy pregnancy. The good news is that chiropractic care is perfectly safe for pregnant women. In fact, no known contraindications exist that would prevent you from getting adjusted during pregnancy.

At Denville Medical, all of our chiropractors are highly trained and capable of working with women who are pregnant. The truth is, we love working with pregnant people and find that personalized chiropractic care can actually help you achieve a safer pregnancy.

Some basic benefits of seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy before, during, and after pregnancy can include the following:

  • Reduced Labor and Delivery Time
  • Reduced Back, Joint, and Neck Pain
  • Lowered Preterm Delivery Risk
  • Less Need for Pain Meds During and After Pregnancy

Though those benefits are undoubtedly great, prenatal chiropractic care is extra effective for making your delivery as easy as possible. To do so, our chiropractors help to restore your pelvic balance and maximize the amount of room in your womb for your baby to grow and be born.

Restoring Pelvic Balance During Pregnancy

When you become pregnant, nearly every aspect of your life changes, from your hormonal balance to the way you sleep, eat, and walk. Oftentimes, when you have been pregnant for several months, you can suffer from painful symptoms due to the added weight of your baby. One of these symptoms is a misaligned pelvis.

When your pelvis is misaligned, it can reduce the room your baby has to develop. It’s called intrauterine constraint, and it’s not an uncommon experience for a pregnant woman.  A  misaligned pelvis can also make it harder for your new child to get into the best position possible when it’s time for the baby to be born. When your baby is in a less-than-ideal position to be born, it can lead to complications and can disrupt the natural labor process, resulting in c-sections and other undesirable interventions.

Fortunately, care from an experienced chiropractor can help alleviate postural discomfort and can prepare you for an easier birth by restoring the balance of your pelvis.

What Chiropractic Techniques Are Used During Pregnancy?

While many common chiropractic strategies and techniques can be used to care for pregnant women, a man named Larry Webster, D.C., developed a specific adjustment that realigns a pregnant woman’s pelvis. This technique, called The Webster Technique, reduces unnecessary stress on the uterus and the ligaments that support it.

This technique has been clinically shown to provide optimal fetal positioning for pregnant women. It can also help your baby have a better chance of moving into the best birth position when it’s time for arrival. By having your baby in an optimal birthing position, you can reduce the chances of breeching issues and dystocia.

Prenatal Chiropractic Care from Denville Medical

More and more women around the country are waking up to the benefits of chiropractic care before, during, and after pregnancy. If you’re thinking about getting adjusted while you’re pregnant, it’s crucial for you to speak with a professional first.

At Denville Medical, our goal is to work together as a team to get you the maximum medical benefit for you and your baby.  In order to determine the most appropriate chiropractic technique and treatment, our chiropractors will perform an evaluation to dig deep into your condition, medical history, previous treatment, diagnostic tests, and, most of all, your goals. This way, you can rest easy knowing you and your baby are in capable, confident hands.

Contact our office today to learn more about our chiropractic team and how we can help optimize your upcoming baby’s birth.


April 24, 2023

Studies show that an estimated 70 million U.S. citizens will experience some type of venous disorder in their lifetime. But when it comes to varicose veins and other vascular issues, you may not even know you have a condition until symptoms manifest. Conditions like varicose veins are unsightly at best and bad for your health at worst. They can cause problems that affect your day-to-day life, like swelling, pain, and even fatigue. In extreme cases, varicose veins and other vascular problems are precursors to more severe health problems like blood clots.

If you’ve noticed large, bulging veins that are visible on the surface of your skin that look enlarged and blue, an in-office procedure from Denville Medical may be in your best interest.

What Causes Varicose Veins?

Conditions like these are most often the result of one-way valve malfunction in one or more of your veins. When working properly, one-way valves keep your blood flowing in the correct direction. When these valves are not functioning correctly, your blood can actually flow backward, which causes it to pool in the branches of your veins. This condition is referred to as venous insufficiency and is the culprit behind vein problems like varicose and spider veins.

Your body’s response to blood backflow (also called reflux) is to enlarge the affected vein so that it can accommodate the influx of blood and lower venous pressure. When this happens, secondary veins often develop, which appear large and sometimes blue. These secondary veins are what we call varicose veins.

What are the Symptoms of Varicose Veins?

There is a wide range of symptoms common with varicose veins, including the following:

  • Restless Legs
  • Twisted Veins
  • Cramping
  • Skin Discoloration
  • Swollen Ankles
  • General Leg Pain

Fortunately, treatment options from Denville Medical can diminish swelling, alleviate your leg discomfort, eliminate cosmetic concerns, and improve your overall well-being.

Varicose Vein and Vascular Care You Can Count On

At Denville Medical, we perform comfortable, in-office procedures that are minimally invasive and can be performed same-day. These procedures are tailored to your body and applied by our team of medical specialists. In providing comprehensive vascular care, our team effectively eliminates your varicose veins, alleviates the painful symptoms of venous reflux, and restores healthy circulation. That way, your legs look younger, feel healthier, and improve your overall wellness and health.

Unlike other sports rehab centers in New Jersey, our practice utilizes:

  • The Latest Vascular Care Technology
  • Minimally-Invasive In-Office Procedures
  • Local Anesthesia
  • Same-Day Surgery Options
  • No Down Time from Work

Curious if varicose vein surgery is right for you? Contact our office today to speak with a professional. When you’re ready, our team will schedule your initial physical exam and diagnostic testing, so you can get back to living life with legs you love.


April 10, 2023

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine that involves inserting hair-thin needles into targeted areas of your body, providing pain relief without needing addictive medicines. One of the primary focal points that our acupuncturists at Denville Medical target is an area of your body you use every day – your ears.

Ear acupuncture, also called auriculotherapy, has been used by people for generations to help treat a range of issues, including:

  • Migraines
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic Pain
  • Digestive Problems
  • Substance Abuse
  • Allergies
  • More

In 1990, the WHO developed a standardized list of 39 auricular points in a person’s body – 10 of which are considered master points, which are often the focus of auriculotherapy. Only certified acupuncturists can perform ear acupuncture safely and effectively.

What are the Benefits of Auriculotherapy?

Promising research shows that auriculotherapy is very helpful for certain patients. In fact, a review from 2018 found that auricular acupuncture provided pain relief for people when it was used soon after their onset of pain. Some research even suggests that ear acupuncture can be helpful for substance abuse recovery. Some of the most common benefits of auriculotherapy include the following:

Migraine Relief

If you suffer from migraines regularly, you know first-hand about their debilitating and disruptive nature. Though there is no surefire cure for migraines, auriculotherapy has been shown to be effective at relieving the intense pain associated with migraines. Ear acupuncture can also be effective at reducing the frequency of migraines and may even help relieve post-surgery acute pain.


Do you find yourself wide awake when everyone else in your home is fast asleep? Insomnia is a big problem in the U.S. and can be incredibly disruptive for both you and your family. Fortunately, ear acupuncture may be able to help. Generally, acupuncture can help calm your mind and body and give you an overall feeling of relaxation. For insomniacs who can’t “turn off” their brain, auriculotherapy is a promising treatment.

Smoking Cessation and Substance Abuse

Acupuncture and auriculotherapy have been used for years to help people overcome substance abuse issues and addictions to smoking. In fact, multiple studies have been conducted that support the use of acupuncture to treat various forms of addiction. Ear acupuncture can help alleviate some of the most common symptoms of withdrawal (like insomnia and pain) while also giving the patient a sense of relaxation and calmness. These same benefits can also help cigarette and nicotine addicts quit the habit.

What Should You Expect During an Ear Acupuncture Session?

Unlike some pain clinics and rehab centers, acupuncturists at Denville Medical take a personalized approach to auriculotherapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Rather than use a “one-size-fits-all” strategy, we focus on customized treatment sessions that address our patient’s unique goals while promoting holistic balance.

During your first auriculotherapy session, your acupuncturist will begin by reviewing the symptoms you need to address. To help understand the scope of your acupuncture needs, you can expect questions like:

  • How are your diet and digestion?
  • Do you have any mental health concerns?
  • Do you get enough sleep?
  • Are there any past or current medical problems contributing to your pain or discomfort?

Once we have a complete grasp of your goals, your licensed acupuncturist will begin auriculotherapy. Very thin needles are inserted into specific points in the ear and most patients report no side effects at all.

Restore Your Body’s Harmony with Auriculotherapy from Denville Medical

If you’re looking for an all-natural alternative medicine that can bring positive change in your life, auriculotherapy may be for you. As a trusted medical and sports rehab center, we’re proud to have Zelene Quiles as our primary auriculotherapy specialist. Unlike some practitioners, Zelene is licensed to practice acupuncture and herbal medicine and holds a Level 2 certification in Neuro-Acupuncture.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a rebalanced life with more energy? Our team will provide you with a unique treatment plan to help unblock the meridian pathways in your body, bringing more balance to your life.


April 9, 2023

Most adults in the U.S. have heard of the term “sciatica.” Unfortunately, due to endless and often incorrect information found on the internet, many people use the term loosely and consider it an illness. Sciatica is actually a group of symptoms often caused by a spinal condition that can manifest in many ways, including pain and numbness in the lower back and legs.

There are many conditions and injuries that can cause sciatica. Some are more severe than others, but as a condition, sciatica can often be treated at sports rehab clinics like Denville Medical. To help further educate and clarify misconceptions about sciatica, let’s take a look at some general myths surrounding this common, albeit debilitating symptom.

Myth 1: Surgical Procedures Are the Only Solutions for Sciatica

At Denville Medical, our mission is to help as many people as possible avoid unnecessary surgery and medication by promoting natural healing in order to reach maximum medical improvement. We apply this approach to sciatica, too, because surgery is often the last step you should take for long-term sciatic relief. You’re probably wondering, “How can sciatica be treated non-surgically?” The answer to that question will change depending on the patient.

If you have been feeling the symptoms of sciatica for a few days, you can often get relief by stretching, taking anti-inflammatory meds, or using cold/hot packs. If you have experienced stabbing lower back pain for several weeks, a combination of treatments such as chiropractic care, physical therapy, and acupuncture may be best.

Myth 2: Only Overweight and Sedentary People Get Sciatica

Some people believe that only non-active, overweight people suffer from sciatica because they don’t exercise or take care of their bodies. In reality, anyone can feel the effects of sciatica – even the healthiest, most athletic people in the world. While it’s true that being obese is a risk factor for sciatica as it puts more pressure on the spine, vigorous bouts of exercising or athletic activities can cause back injuries. Back injuries like herniated discs are known to cause long-term symptoms like sciatica.

Myth 3: Any Type of Stabbing Leg Pain is Sciatica

People interpret sciatica in different ways. During their initial exam, some patients point to their lower back or thigh to let our doctors know that’s where they feel pain. However, shooting pain down the back of your leg doesn’t always come from a compressed region in your back. Other issues, like injuries and lifestyle choices, may cause shooting leg pain. If you are concerned you have sciatica because of leg pain, it’s best to get checked out to be sure. At Denville Medical, our sports rehab professionals and medical doctors can narrow down the source of your leg pain and provide a non-surgical solution for pain relief.

Myth 4: You Can’t Stay in Shape When You Have Sciatica

It makes sense that exercising and staying in shape can be more difficult when you suffer from sciatica. If you’re familiar with sciatica pain, putting in a full session of cardio might sound terrible because of symptoms like intense lower back pain or numbness in your feet and legs. But having sciatica doesn’t mean you have to give up on your fitness routine. Before giving up on staying in shape, be sure to consult with a medical professional first. Many patients at Denville Medical are able to continue their fitness regimen by making tweaks and adjustments until pain relief is addressed.

Sciatica Relief Is in Sight at Denville Medical

At Denville Medical, our doctors and physical therapy specialists take a comprehensive, holistic approach to treating sciatica – one that relies on exercise, chiropractic care, physical therapy, acupuncture and in some cases, spinal injections. We will do everything in our power to help you avoid the risks and recovery time associated with surgery. Unlike many medical and sports rehabilitation centers, we provide notable care under one roof, allowing providers of different service lines to effectively communicate and easily customize your sciatica treatment plan.

If you’re suffering from symptoms like numbness, tingling, or shooting leg pain, and you suspect it could be due to sciatica, our team can help. Contact Denville Medical today to schedule your initial consultation.


June 8, 2022

What Is Happening?

Joint pain and body aches are commonly associated with those over 50, but as the hotter weather continues to come through, people in their 20’s and 30’s begin experiencing more and more pain related symptoms throughout their body.

Reasons Why You May Have Joint Pain:

  1. Dehydration – If you do not drink enough water throughout the day, you can expect to feel more sluggish and dehydrated. Water plays a very important role in our body, especially with the connective tissues surrounding our joints. Water helps nutrients move easily through the bloodstream and into your joints.
  2. Heat Cramping – Cramps in hotter weather last much longer than those which occur in cooler temperatures. Many people experience cramping when they exercise as it signals excessive strain on particular muscles. When we sweat, we lose electrolytes which hold minerals such as potassium sodium, calcium, and magnesium in order for our muscle to function correctly.
  3. Humidity – Our joints have baroreceptors, which are located in our joints and help our joints respond to changes in atmospheric pressure. As air pressure changes, the fluid causes our joints to decrease causing the joints to be stiff and cause pain.
  4. Vasodilation – Do you find your legs starting to ache when it’s warm outside? This is called vasodilation. When our body’s temperature increases our veins enlarge in size in order to increase blood flow to the skin, cool the body and circulate heat away from the central organs. However, as heart rate increases, some may accumulate fluid in the legs which can cause a lot of discomfort.


What can help with Joint Pain:


  1. Physical Therapy – Physical Therapists at Denville Medical have advanced techniques and equipment to really dig deep and break up adhesions and scar tissues within connective tissues to help allow fluid to flow more easily throughout the body. Try out our advanced therapies; EPAT, High Volt Ultrasound, and Cold Laser.
  2. Chiropractic Care – You may not know this, but one of the goals of a chiropractor is to make sure blood and fluids flow effortlessly throughout the body. This is why they are so keen on adjusting and realigning the body so they can remove any impingements that may be preventing the body from proper flow of fluids.
  3. Acupuncture – Cupping, needling and seeding are great ways to remove toxins from the body. This will increase the concentration amount of well needed vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the blood so your body can absorb the nutrients it really needs.


If we could offer you one piece of advice, it would be not to settle for mediocre medical treatment and therapeutic options. If you’re looking for a team of doctors and therapists who work together and take an interdisciplinary approach to healing, Denville Medical & Sports Rehabilitation is here for you. Contact our office today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your physical therapy goals and live your life, pain-free.


May 30, 2022

For someone who has trouble walking and standing, gait training is a type of therapy which helps to improve their balance. If you have trouble getting around, gait training can help you regain your independence, even if you have an adaptive device.

Gait training helps with:

  • Joint and muscle strength
  • Posture and balance improvement
  • Endurance
  • Advancing muscle memory
  • Repetitive motion training
  • Reducing risks of falls
  • Increasing mobility

Who can best benefit from gait training?

If standing and walking are troublesome to do independently, gait training may be one of the best recommendations from a doctor. There are multiple conditions which influence one’s ability to walk independently. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Injuries to the spine
  • Fractures or broken bones in the legs or pelvis
  • Joint degradation, injuries, or surgeries
  • Strokes, brain injuries and other neurological conditions
  • Muscular Dystrophy and other musculoskeletal disorders

What can I expect from gait training?

Gait training typically uses machines, weights, and resistance to aid an individual to walk or stand. For instance, one may walk the treadmill with assistance or a harness. In addition, muscle strengthening exercises, coupled with physical therapy, will allow individuals to step over objects, lift their legs, sit and stand, and other activities.

The type of exercise, as well as the intensity and duration of training all depends on each individual patient’s specific condition, physical abilities, and goals.

To find out if gait training is right for you, schedule an appointment with one of our experienced physical therapists. Click here to have our office reach out to you or call us directly at (973) 627-7888.

Want to hear about our patients’ experiences with Denville Medical? Click here.


April 12, 2022

As the weather begins to warm in New Jersey, we are more inclined to take part in outdoor physical activities. This can include longer walks, jogging, or playing sports.

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