Traditional acupuncture is based on the belief that the body is controlled by a flow of energy, referred to as qi, and pronounced "chee." According to ancient texts, qi travels through pathways in your body called meridians. Acupuncturists believe that interruptions with energy flow in these meridians are responsible for modern ailments.
Acupuncture improves your body's functions and helps boost its self-healing processes through anatomic site stimulation - usually called acupuncture points. To stimulate acupuncture points, professionals typically insert fine, sterile needles you're your skin. Most patients feel little-to-no discomfort as the needles are applied. Typically, needles are left in the skin anywhere from five to 30 minutes. After their session, patients often report an incredible feeling of relaxation.
While some practitioners still adhere to traditional acupuncture philosophies, modern acupuncturists take an integrative approach. Today, professional acupuncturists use the therapy to stimulate the body's natural healing and pain-fighting processes. When coupled with personalized chiropractic care and physical therapy, patients can find real relief from painful physical conditions.
At Denville Medical, your licensed physical therapist's goal is to maximize your body's structure and increase its overall function for long-term health. To accomplish this, our physical therapists combine traditional and innovative techniques focused on increasing muscle strength and improving the body's range of motion. Our goal is to discover the root cause of your pain or mobility problems. That way, we can address the true reason why you need physical therapy, and work towards achieving long-lasting relief.
Of course, we understand that every patient is different. Your doctor can provide expert care in an encouraging environment by creating a customized treatment plan for you using modern, evidence-based research.
Professional acupuncture treatments can be incredibly helpful for patients suffering from a wide range of disorders. When paired with personalized chiropractic care and other medical treatments, acupuncture is even more effective.
With a systematic treatment plan, patients can find help for painful symptoms like:
Professionals practicing acupuncture in Florham Park, NJ, use several techniques to achieve overall patient wellbeing, from Cupping and Gua Sha to Needling and Facials.
Made popular by Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, most acupuncturists describe cupping as giving an inverse massage. Rather than using pressure to release tight muscles, acupuncture cups create a suction effect. The suction pulls on muscles and fascia to relieve tension and improve blood flow. Like a massage, cupping is very relaxing for patients. Most people describe it as enjoyable, although the suction cup markings may look painful to friends and family.
Acupuncture cups are made using various materials, including glass and plastic. Cupping applications also vary - some clinics go the traditional route with cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, and fire. Other applications include manual placement with silicone suction points. Usually, patients receive one of two cupping styles. The first uses stationary cups, which remain for about 10 minutes. The second uses moving cups, supplemented with massage oil to let the cups glide over painful areas.
Also called "dry needling," chiropractors and acupuncturists often use this technique to reduce trigger points within soft tissues and muscles. In this application, acupuncturists use a sterile needle and insert it into the trigger point, which fosters a feeling of "release" that helps reduce muscle tension and pain while boosting mobility.
Trigger points are hypersensitive, irritable skeletal muscle areas formed in rigid bands of muscle fiber. Trigger points lead to neuromuscular dysfunction and manifest in painful symptoms, increased stress, and lower overall functionality. During an acupuncture session, these needles are applied to trigger points, which cause a twitch, essentially releasing and restoring proper muscle function.
Gua Sha is the practice of using tools to scrape the skin and apply pressure to painful areas of the face and body. A Gua Sha is a flat, hard tool, usually made of stone. Recently, Gua Sha has taken the skincare world by storm, but the technique has been providing relief for centuries. It is one of the oldest forms of Chinese medicine used to boost blood circulation and energy flow.
In traditional Chinese, Gua means to press or stroke, while Sha refers to redness. Gua Sha usually causes small red spots or bruises to form, which are also called microtrauma spots. When using Gua Sha on microtrauma areas, your body elicits a response that can help break up tough scar tissue. When paired with professional chiropractic care, Gua Sha can be quite effective, even for moderate injuries.
At Denville Medical, we aim to serve you with long-lasting quality of life through personalized acupuncture treatments in New Jersey. The path to a pain-free life begins with a friendly, informative appointment, where one of our doctors develops a customized treatment plan tailored to your body's needs. It starts with your first evaluation, where our experts learn about your medical history, diagnostic tests, current condition, and overall health goals. From there, we'll create your plan and help you hit your milestones until your quality of life is improved.
With treatments like needling, cupping, Gua Sha, and acupuncture in Florham Park, NJ, included in your scope of treatment, musculoskeletal relief is right around the corner.
If you're sick and tired of living with painful limitations, our doctors are here to help you live a normal life free of debilitating body issues. No surgery. No addictive medicine. Only comprehensive acupuncture treatments, crafted with health and happiness in mind.
973-627-7888180 Park Ave. in Florham Park — File photo/courtesy: Cushman & WakefieldBy Joshua BurdA health care services company has found a new home in New Jersey, taking space at a Florham Park office building as part of a lease arranged by The Garibaldi Group.The operator, Carisk Partners Inc., committed to 7,006 square feet at 180 Park Ave. under a deal that will allow it to shed roughly 6,000 square feet while improving its employees’ overall experience, the brokerage team said. The specialty risk trans...
180 Park Ave. in Florham Park — File photo/courtesy: Cushman & Wakefield
By Joshua Burd
A health care services company has found a new home in New Jersey, taking space at a Florham Park office building as part of a lease arranged by The Garibaldi Group.
The operator, Carisk Partners Inc., committed to 7,006 square feet at 180 Park Ave. under a deal that will allow it to shed roughly 6,000 square feet while improving its employees’ overall experience, the brokerage team said. The specialty risk transfer and care coordination company, which operates in the workers’ compensation market, is leasing the space from a joint venture of Vision Properties and The Birch Group.
“With the modern amenities that 180 (Park Avenue) has to offer, Carisk will be able to create a more stimulating and productive environment for their team,” said Jackie Madden, a director with The Garibaldi Group. “I believe strongly, as they do, that the new Class A facility will help foster greater job satisfaction among employees and better retention of talent.”
Madden represented Carisk, while Cushman & Wakefield’s William O’Keefe, Courtney Brooke Rosenkrantz and Brian Decillis represented ownership. The agency team noted recently that the three-story property has flexible floorplates and amenities such as a full-service cafeteria and coffee bar, a dining area, a conference center, a fitness studio, a tenant lounge and outdoor seating and walking trails.
Those offerings appealed to Carisk Partners, which has a foundation in behavioral health and services insurers, government entities, self-insured plan sponsors and other managed care organizations, Madden said. She added that, with two offices in New Jersey and an office in Miami, it has seen tremendous growth over the last two years and expects that to continue.
Also important to the tenant was 180 Park’s strong technological infrastructure, which will allow it to conduct business around the country.
“Working with Carisk Partners on their office relocation was an incredibly rewarding experience,” Madden said. “It was inspiring to be part of their journey to create a dynamic workspace that aligns with their company culture and empowers their employees. Their vision for a Class A environment was clear, and it was a privilege to contribute to their success.”
C&W: Risk transfer firm takes 7,000 sq. ft. in one of two deals at Florham Park office building
BASF's North American headquarters building in Florham Park, New Jersey is a live demonstration of BASF innovation in action, and is an example of our fundamental commitment to sustainability.Designed to achieve LEED® Platinum standards, the building features a variety of BASF-enabled construction products that lower energy consumption and increase building life expectancy.Its 325,000 square feet are a vision of contemporary architectural design, with unique features that promote comfort and collaboration while minimizing t...
BASF's North American headquarters building in Florham Park, New Jersey is a live demonstration of BASF innovation in action, and is an example of our fundamental commitment to sustainability.
Designed to achieve LEED® Platinum standards, the building features a variety of BASF-enabled construction products that lower energy consumption and increase building life expectancy.
Its 325,000 square feet are a vision of contemporary architectural design, with unique features that promote comfort and collaboration while minimizing the site’s environmental footprint.
Modern furnishings and bright, open spaces make the headquarters a refreshing, energizing place to work. Outside, twenty-foot cantilevers at both ends—coupled with vertical stone fins and horizontal sun shades on the building’s exterior—create a striking, functional façade that embodies BASF.
As one of New Jersey’s largest sustainable buildings, the BASF North America Headquarters raises the bar for water efficiency, indoor air quality and lighting, energy consumption and construction materials.
Low-flow plumbing fixtures reduce indoor water usage by an estimated 40 percent, while the landscape plan incorporates native and non-invasive plants that require 85 percent less water to survive. Collected rainwater is filtered, cleaned and reused, both as irrigation and as the primary water source for the toilets.
Employees benefit from the building’s superior ventilation, which is 30 percent higher than in conventionally designed buildings. The furniture inside the finished space is environmentally sustainable and free from potentially toxic chemicals.
From almost anywhere in the building, the view is outstanding—natural daylight illuminates 75 percent of the interior, and 90 percent of the space looks out onto a lush park-like setting. And it will stay that way: more than 40 percent of the site will remain as open space.
Optimizing energy performance was top priority for BASF, and that goal is reflected in the building’s many energy-saving design features. Even its orientation is strategic: situated on the longest axis from east to west, it minimizes exposure from the sun while optimizing daylight usage.
Through these innovations, along with energy-efficient air handling units, glass, lighting and office equipment, the building uses 20 percent less energy than conventionally designed buildings. About half of the building’s electricity is supplied by renewable energy sources.
BASF employed the same energy philosophy during the building’s construction. At least 20 percent of the materials used contain recycled content, while at least 10 percent were purchased from local suppliers, reducing the energy impact of long-distance transportation. Much of the construction waste was diverted from landfills and recycled.
The formula of open, inviting spaces, abundant natural light and site-wide wireless access has been applied throughout the building to allow new ways of working.
Colleagues can convene in conference rooms large and small—or choose to meet over coffee in the building’s many informal gathering spots.
From the state-of-the-art Innovation Center to the cafeteria, every area of the new building provides an inspiring backdrop for collaboration and innovation.