Traditional acupuncture is based on the belief that the body is controlled by a flow of energy, referred to as qi, and pronounced "chee." According to ancient texts, qi travels through pathways in your body called meridians. Acupuncturists believe that interruptions with energy flow in these meridians are responsible for modern ailments.
Acupuncture improves your body's functions and helps boost its self-healing processes through anatomic site stimulation - usually called acupuncture points. To stimulate acupuncture points, professionals typically insert fine, sterile needles you're your skin. Most patients feel little-to-no discomfort as the needles are applied. Typically, needles are left in the skin anywhere from five to 30 minutes. After their session, patients often report an incredible feeling of relaxation.
While some practitioners still adhere to traditional acupuncture philosophies, modern acupuncturists take an integrative approach. Today, professional acupuncturists use the therapy to stimulate the body's natural healing and pain-fighting processes. When coupled with personalized chiropractic care and physical therapy, patients can find real relief from painful physical conditions.
At Denville Medical, your licensed physical therapist's goal is to maximize your body's structure and increase its overall function for long-term health. To accomplish this, our physical therapists combine traditional and innovative techniques focused on increasing muscle strength and improving the body's range of motion. Our goal is to discover the root cause of your pain or mobility problems. That way, we can address the true reason why you need physical therapy, and work towards achieving long-lasting relief.
Of course, we understand that every patient is different. Your doctor can provide expert care in an encouraging environment by creating a customized treatment plan for you using modern, evidence-based research.
Professional acupuncture treatments can be incredibly helpful for patients suffering from a wide range of disorders. When paired with personalized chiropractic care and other medical treatments, acupuncture is even more effective.
With a systematic treatment plan, patients can find help for painful symptoms like:
Professionals practicing acupuncture in Harding, NJ, use several techniques to achieve overall patient wellbeing, from Cupping and Gua Sha to Needling and Facials.
Made popular by Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, most acupuncturists describe cupping as giving an inverse massage. Rather than using pressure to release tight muscles, acupuncture cups create a suction effect. The suction pulls on muscles and fascia to relieve tension and improve blood flow. Like a massage, cupping is very relaxing for patients. Most people describe it as enjoyable, although the suction cup markings may look painful to friends and family.
Acupuncture cups are made using various materials, including glass and plastic. Cupping applications also vary - some clinics go the traditional route with cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, and fire. Other applications include manual placement with silicone suction points. Usually, patients receive one of two cupping styles. The first uses stationary cups, which remain for about 10 minutes. The second uses moving cups, supplemented with massage oil to let the cups glide over painful areas.
Also called "dry needling," chiropractors and acupuncturists often use this technique to reduce trigger points within soft tissues and muscles. In this application, acupuncturists use a sterile needle and insert it into the trigger point, which fosters a feeling of "release" that helps reduce muscle tension and pain while boosting mobility.
Trigger points are hypersensitive, irritable skeletal muscle areas formed in rigid bands of muscle fiber. Trigger points lead to neuromuscular dysfunction and manifest in painful symptoms, increased stress, and lower overall functionality. During an acupuncture session, these needles are applied to trigger points, which cause a twitch, essentially releasing and restoring proper muscle function.
Gua Sha is the practice of using tools to scrape the skin and apply pressure to painful areas of the face and body. A Gua Sha is a flat, hard tool, usually made of stone. Recently, Gua Sha has taken the skincare world by storm, but the technique has been providing relief for centuries. It is one of the oldest forms of Chinese medicine used to boost blood circulation and energy flow.
In traditional Chinese, Gua means to press or stroke, while Sha refers to redness. Gua Sha usually causes small red spots or bruises to form, which are also called microtrauma spots. When using Gua Sha on microtrauma areas, your body elicits a response that can help break up tough scar tissue. When paired with professional chiropractic care, Gua Sha can be quite effective, even for moderate injuries.
At Denville Medical, we aim to serve you with long-lasting quality of life through personalized acupuncture treatments in New Jersey. The path to a pain-free life begins with a friendly, informative appointment, where one of our doctors develops a customized treatment plan tailored to your body's needs. It starts with your first evaluation, where our experts learn about your medical history, diagnostic tests, current condition, and overall health goals. From there, we'll create your plan and help you hit your milestones until your quality of life is improved.
With treatments like needling, cupping, Gua Sha, and acupuncture in Harding, NJ, included in your scope of treatment, musculoskeletal relief is right around the corner.
If you're sick and tired of living with painful limitations, our doctors are here to help you live a normal life free of debilitating body issues. No surgery. No addictive medicine. Only comprehensive acupuncture treatments, crafted with health and happiness in mind.
973-627-7888By Telina CuppariPublished November 4, 2023 at 5:11 PMLast updated November 4, 2023 at 5:12 PMKENILWORTH, NJ - Kenilworth Public Schools recently announced the October Hawk of the Month winners.PRE-K: Tatiana Channaoui- Mrs. LubinKINDERGARTEN: Emma Acevedo- Mrs. BirchSign Up for FREE Kenilworth NewsletterGet local news you can trust in your inbox.FIRST GRADE: Rylo De Los Santos- Mrs. WongSECOND GRADE: Ketochukwu Chidi-Udeze- Mrs. Donough/ Mrs. C...
By Telina Cuppari
Published November 4, 2023 at 5:11 PM
Last updated November 4, 2023 at 5:12 PM
KENILWORTH, NJ - Kenilworth Public Schools recently announced the October Hawk of the Month winners.
PRE-K: Tatiana Channaoui- Mrs. Lubin
KINDERGARTEN: Emma Acevedo- Mrs. Birch
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FIRST GRADE: Rylo De Los Santos- Mrs. Wong
SECOND GRADE: Ketochukwu Chidi-Udeze- Mrs. Donough/ Mrs. Caplanis
THIRD GRADE: Colton Costanza- Mr. Mills
FOURTH GRADE: Jonah Quezada Mrs. Bussiere
FIFTH GRADE: Gavin Santos- Mrs. Jernigan
SIXTH GRADE: Mason Roman- Ms. Marks
These students were randomly chosen after they were nominated by their teacher for showing responsibility, respect, commitment to success and support to their peers.
The following students were also nominated for Hawk of the Month in October:
Pre-K: Salvatore DiGirolamo
Kindergarten: Giuliana Dercole, Jayden Martinez, Andrea Barrera, Nwachi Okonkwo, Edwyn Mexica, Wesley Lykens, Violet Patel, Leo Maia, Isa Santoro, Ari Santoro, Liam Torres, Emma Azeveda, Jaxon Donascimento, Ty’ Riyanna Asberry, Alexander Hnatko, Frank Aliseo, Sadie Cunado, Nicholas Araujo, Alessandro Suarez, Dominick Costa, Jocelyn Carrillo, Haven Tovar, Juliana Dominguez, Vincent Caparruva, Katherine Bryan
First Grade: Eve Kurus, Nicholas Ruta, Addison Casale, Chelsea Amador Vargas, GIavanna DaSilva, Ava Ramirez, Rocco Bartley, Zabdiel Gomez, Olivia Parikic, Giuseppe DaSilva, Winter Tripodi, Rylo DeLosSantos, Miriam Severino-Santana,Vincenzo Giorella, Milana Kollarik, Jayden Silva, Austin Vietes, McKayla McGee, Alizeah Reyes, Lila Westcott, Ryleigh Kornfeld
Second Grade: Grace Giammarino, Keto Chidi-Udeze, Nicole Shmyr, Jayden David, Addison Eulas, Kelly Farber, Leonel Agurto, Nicholas Lagruth, Antonella Milanes, Diana Khemelynska, Grace Hutchinson. Adrian Kotlyar, Ryler Pinho, Grayson Chua, Hunter Filipe, Ava Szeluga
Third Grade: Sofia DeMatteo-Ubal, Chase Ryan, Kristen Sanabria, Camila Garcia, Kaileb Velazquez, Ekamjot Singh, Miyah Khalis, Jaydian Diaz, James Bayot, Ryan Morales, Giana Ramos, Emily Marques, Johan Solano, Gael Marquez, Camila Garcia, Brianna Castillo, Victoria Cordova, Abby Walker, Johan Solano, Alina Falcon, Kaylin Marabuto, Benedetto Iacovo, Sofia Scotellaro, Ava Adorno, Malcolm Love, Alexi Ferraioli, Jaxon Capra, Justin Espinosa, Dylan Santillan Villa,
Fourth Grade: Hope Bonassisa, Henrique DeOliveira, Chris Giorella, Boston Ogden, Jayce Fitzgerald, Alina Ortmann, Faith Halpern, Makayla Ocharan, Salvatore Gabriele, Michael Maglione, Brayden Sierant, Jasdeep Singh, Altair Torres, Sean Spranger, Trinity Rodriguez, Mila Chelchowski, Daniela Cornacchia, Dylan Mauro, Juliana Prior, Luciana Testa, Arielle Estrella, Paul Brennan, Kendall Crapps, Athan Silva, Dylan Pinto, Max Guaman, Eliza Moran
Fifth Grade: Henry Dieckmann, Joey Bellino, Trey Dunn,Mason Nesheiwat, Michael Paiva, Adrianna Marfia, Lily Dematos, Hannah Walker, Jacob Dussan, Gianna Orlando, Gianna Ciccarella, Emely Zumba Saraguara, Izel Ruiz Pacheco, Jordan Crapps, Marco Davis, Adriana Rivera, Dante Lugo, Noah Ortiz, Gianna Orlando, Katarina Dieckmann, Leonardo Xoleti, Madison Ventura, Ava Christenson, Uriel Ramirez Valdetano, Tyler O’Keefe, Carly Rivera
Sixth Grade: Cara Hrdina, Brianna Abuin, Troy Kessler, Olivia Garcia, Leone Obien, Angelina Frio, Aria Ferraioli, Arjun Shah, Abby Gribbin, Derek Gesualdo, Bradley Cahill, Brandon Alcantara
Congratulations to all the winners and nominees!
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